Theresa Tan is a highly skilled and experienced physiotherapist with a genuine interest in a broad range of musculoskeletal conditions. Techniques used include soft tissue massage, muscle stretching and strengthening, heat, TENS, ultrasound, joint mobilisation, posture correction, supportive taping, straping and bracing. In addition to treatment of acute injuries, she provides treatment for chronic arthritic conditions, gait and balance disorders, and specialist services including chest physiotherapy and continence work.
Dr Julie Tsung is a highly regarded GP acupuncturist. Through the use of laser and / or needles, acupuncture is a time-proven traditional therapy, which is well tolerated and effective in the treatment of many medical conditions including migraine, nasal allergy, musculoskeletal disorders, and chronic pain syndromes. It is particularly effective for musculoskeletal pain (eg. shoulder pain) and neuropathic pain (eg. pain associated with shingles). Acupuncture performed by Dr Tsung is covered mostly by Medicare, with only small out of pocket costs in most instances. Please inquire at reception for further details.
Alison Shaw is a highly experienced podiatrist. Her work include foot assessment and monitoring in chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, peripheral neuropathy and peripheral vascular disease. She is an expert in the treatment of many foot conditions including corns and calluses, blisters, ulcers, bunyons and pressure areas; as well as nail conditions such as onychomycosis, fungal infection and ingrown toenails.
Australian Clinical Laboratory performs pathology collection and testing 6 days a week. Their opening hours are:
Monday to Friday: 8:30am to 4:30pm
Saturday: 9am to 12pm
All tests are bulk-billed.
Tests performed include general blood and urine tests, ECG, and 24hour holter monitor.
Australian Cardiac Diagnostic Services performs echocardiography on Saturday every 4 weeks.
The service is bulk-billed for all patients with referrals.